What needs to be done?
- [x] Decide on motors, motor drivers and other electronics
- [x] Create rough sketches/CADs
- [x] Compare designs and decide final size, shape etc. of the designs
- [x] Create final version of the CAD Design with tolerances and space for wires n stuff
- [x] Fabricate required parts, Order motors and other parts
- [x] Assemble everything
- [x] Wire up the robot
- [x] Test basic standing functions and overall sturdiness
- [ ] Work on the programming, and make it walk
Current goals
- [x] Decide color scheme
- [x] Wiring and cooling holes have to be added
- [x] Add slots for idlers
- [x] Fix the encoder for hip joint
- [x] The connection for upper limb has to be sorted out
- [x] Insert and screw holes for the middle part also has to be sorted
- [x] The inserts and screw holes for lower limb joint is not yet been done
- [x] Align all the joints in the URDF
- [x] Sort the ik for single leg, when y is negative